Diabetes Insipidus description : It's a condition characterized by inordinate thirst and polyurea secondary to insufficiency of vasopressin ( antidiuretic hormone ) 。 Signs and Symptoms 1. Polyurea Excretion of large volume of dilute urine with increased frequence of voiding is called polyuria diurnal affair is 4 to 12 liters 。 2. Polydypsia Intake of redundant water • Because of polyuria , thirst center in hypothalamus results in input of large volume of water. Bracket of diabetes insipidus 1- Neurogenic ( central type ) Neurogenic diabetes insipidus , more generally known as central diabetes insipidus , is due to a lack of vasopressin product in the brain ( disfigurement in hypothalamus , hypothalamic pituitary axis or in the posterior pituitary gland ) 。 - 2- Nephrogenic Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is due to the incapability of the order to respond typically to vasopressin 。 3- Dipsogenic Dipsogenic Dl is due to a disfigurement or damage to the thirst medium , which is located in the hypothalamus 。 This disfigurement results in an abnormal increase in thirst and fluid input that suppresses vasopressin stashing and increases urine affair 。 -4-Gravid 。 Gravid DI is allowed

             to do with inordinate vasopressinase product from the placenta which destroy vasopressin 。 Pathophysiology. Hypothalamus has part in 1- the hypothalamus regulates the sensation of thirst by seeing increases in serum osmolarity and relaying this information to the cortex. 2- The regulation of urine product as it produces ADH which stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. ADH acts by adding water permeability in the collecting tubes and distal sophisticated tubes. The increase in permeability allows for reabsorption of water into the bloodstream, therefore concentrating the urine. Regulating quantum of urine affair is important to maintain Electrolyte and fluid volume homeostasis inside body which determine blood pressure. The body's normal response to dehumidification is to concentrate urine and conserve water, so urine becomes more concentrated and urination becomes lower frequent. Those with DI continue to urinate large quantities of dilute urine in malignancy of not drinking any fluids. opinion To distinguish DI from other causes of redundant urination 1- blood glucose situations need to be tested to count diabetes mellitus. 2- dimension of blood electrolytes can reveal a high sodium position( hypernatremia as dehumidification develops) in case of DI. 3- Urinalysis demonstrates a dilute urine with a low specific graveness. 4- A fluid privation test helps determine whether DI is caused by inordinate input of fluid( primary polydypsia) a disfigurement in ADH product a disfigurement in the feathers' response to ADH. To distinguish between the main forms, desmopressin( synthetic form of vasopressin) stimulation is also used; desmopressin can be taken by injection, a nasal spray, or a tablet. While taking desmopressin, a case should drink fluids or water only when thirsty and not at other times, as this can lead to unforeseen fluid accumulation in the central nervoussystem.However, the pituitary product of ADH is deficient, and the order responds typically, If desmopressin reduces urineoutput.However, desmopressin doesn't change either urine affair If central Dl is suspected, testing of other hormones of the pituitary, If the Di is due to renal pathology. utmost people with this form have either educated once head trauma or have stopped ADH product for an unknown reason. 
