benign tumour


benign tumour

benign tumour


It is the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cell tissues. This abnormal growth its self-called tumour or neoplasm,

There are two type .1 benign 2 malignant

The word tumour in past used for swelling or inflammation of any region of the body.


Tumour is uncontrolled growth of mass in excessive manner .it is also uncoordinated growth and also persistent

Benign tumour [.innocent]

Benign tumour is innocent remain localized non-invasive and monastic.

Benign tumour are relatively innocent not absolutely innocent.


Benign tumour causes are unknown but there some environmental thing which also effect

1, environmental toxin such as radiation

2, genetics

3, diet,

4, sress

5, local trauma or injury

6 infection or inflammation

Special cases, there are benign tumour are harmless but some benign tumour have very serious effect on health such tumour in brain which can disturb brain function

Tumour in heart also dangerous

Benign tumour in kidney and so many cases are present


Benign tumour are usually cure with normal surgery


